
RIGIDITY is the ability to withstand the effects of power (strength + speed) without bending or breaking. It’s essential that weightlifters develop rigidity early in their training. Without it, the amount of power a weightlifter can generate is reduced and the...

DIY Video Replay System

It’s difficult for weightlifters to understand their technique without visual feedback. Many Olympic Training Centers use video replay systems to assist lifters and their coaches during training. A camera continuously records a platform, and the video of the recording...

Roadmap for Training

Happy holidays! As the new year approaches, this seems like the perfect time to write about the training cycle and how to plan for the year ahead. This post will be an introduction to the training cycle, setting the stage for a more in-depth discussion on programming...

Snatch Setup

If a snatch starts from an incorrect position, it is doomed to be ineffective. To snatch effectively a lifter must start the snatch from the right position. There is a checklist of rules that successful weightlifters follow in the setup for the snatch. Below are...

Pull Longer

The goal of the pulling phase of the snatch is to get the bar as high as possible while having the elbows stay above the wrists. Every major muscle group that can help to accomplish this goal should be used. These words also apply to the snatch pull. The snatch pull...

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